When Inspiration Strikes: Mardi Gras Letters

Since the start of the New Year, I have experienced an abundance of affirming signs that I am headed in the right direction. The most recent change I've become aware of in my day to day activities, ACTION! As a creative person, ideas run through my mind.... all day, every day. Sometimes, they can be exciting! Other times, it can be overwhelming, stressful, causing my already loose and sensitive anxiety trigger to go off and sore thru the roof. In the past this would stop me dead in my tracks. I would become stuck. Unsure of how to move forward. And before I knew it, another day had gone by with worrying in the forefront and nothing to show for the day. Change is not easy. Habitual practices you and your mind are used to, don't just go away over night. And frustration happens. But in time, I've grown to learn and understand that we all have the ability to take control, to make the things happen we want to come to life! 

This quote struck a cord with me a couple of weeks ago: "If someone says something to you that's positive, you should probably try and find a way to believe it as opposed to dismissing it....their perspective, their objectivity is probably closer to what the truth is than our own self-awareness." -Paul Klein. The moment I heard this, I started to think of all the times others complimented me, and more times than not I looked for a reason to dismiss them. I was CHOOSING NOT to believe the greatness God had already set before me, because I had been struggling with being blinded by the illusion "if this were to happen, then I'd believe it." Blinded by my own sense of self-awareness, or what I thought it was. The age old philosophy, BELIEVING IS SEEING, I am just now starting to understand. And if I could choose not to believe, then I can most certainly choose to BELIEVE!

Through the many positive affirmations I conduct throughout each day (I could write an entirely different blog on this topic alone lol!), taking action has proven to be the game changer for me. Seems so simple right? Get an idea, then do it, duh. If only it were that simple for me. Perfectionism, it's a soul sucker. And I don't recommend it to anyone.  Feeling the need to execute perfectly the first time out, or not at all crippled me almost every time. So instead, I started to focus on, "What is my intuition telling me to do today, not my to do list, but my gut? What will fulfill my soul today?" And by following this step, almost every time I felt accomplished at the end of the day. I started acknowledging the small tasks that got me one step closer instead of focusing on what is left to get done. Otherwise, it'll drive you mad and that list will never end.

So now, when inspiration strikes, I ACT! No more hesitating, no more stalling, no more overthinking. If it's not how I thought it would turn out in the end, more than likely it turned out even better. And the best part, execution leads to more execution and leads to even more execution! And before you know it, you've created a plethora of creations that people just can't get enough of and continue to want more!

So, wonderfully creative being:
• What actions will you take today?
• What is your intuition telling you to do?
• Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, stressed? What small task would make you feel accomplished for the entire day?

Remember to enjoy the journey, believe in the process, and follow your intuition!

Mardi Gras Letters:

I've been meaning to write some long overdue hand written letters for some loved ones of mine. And inspiration struck! Why not send hand painted Mardi Gras themed cards to go with the holiday!?! I had a packet of watercolor paper greeting cards stashed away waiting to be used, broke out my favorite palette of watercolors, and got to work. And voila!! A couple of hours later, I've got some beautiful hand painted cards for my recipients to enjoy! Something so much more personal for them to cherish. 

Letters Collage B.jpg
Jester Hat B.jpg

Each card creating it's own personality, to match that of the receiver. One of the BEST parts about creating, when someone receives your work of art and it lights up their day! The joy you see in their eyes. Unfortunately, I won't actually see them open their cards, but I can already feel the warmth from the anticipation. They say the quickest way to receiving is by giving. And once you give, you'll want to give more. 

Mardi Gras Cards Group B.jpg

Peace, love and happiness!! Go out and have a magnificently creative day!